A good Direct Selling plan is a great opportunity to earn a huge amount of money for everyone irrespective of what background they hail from. It is an effective way to enrich your lives as you take a step closer towards financial freedom. We offer the best direct selling marketing plan for you all that promotes the supply of products while benefiting the advisor’s hand in hand. Learn about the marketing plan at AURETICS.
Auretics Direct Selling Plan ensures that you are earning in proportion to the efforts you put in while being mindful of your earlier efforts and achievements by offering you benefits like rewarding bonuses, pool income, etc. This Direct Selling plan helps you effectively carry out your vision and commit to doing what you do.
We know that choosing the best direct selling Marketing Plan is a difficult task. Among the infinite possibilities picking the right Direct Selling plan relies on evaluating many factors. To make the process simpler for you Auretics has come up with an effective marketing plan, read below to understand it better.
Auretics direct selling Super Plan rewards you for developing your team. After sponsoring a new distributor, their first 1,000BV purchases will be allocated to Super Plan. You will get the option to allocate your newly sponsored distributors either on your left or on your right position. All income under Super Plan comes with no eligibility criteria. Therefore, you will be eligible for all the types of Incomes under the Super Plan as soon as you activate your distributorship.